Saturday 6 March 2004

Good morning. I'm in John's house. It's quite good.

I thought I should blog because I can, but I'm not sure there's very much to say as yet. Went to work as usual yesterday, bearing a huge bag with a sleeping bag that no-one commented on. I'm not sure too many people knew I was going on holiday. Kinda like when someone doesn't know it's your birthday - either you just explicitly bang on about it, or let things be. Speaking of which, this is a busy time for birthdays. Neil's, my cousin Charlotte's, Dad's and Nicholas's.

So after work I got a coach from Exeter Bus and Coach Station. It seemed to be about ten minutes late, but I arrived at Victoria on time nonetheless, after sleeping for a little bit of the journey, and staring out of the window most of the rest of the time. I had my bible on me in case I got bored, but I can't read very well in automated vehicles. I did read whatever chapter of Leviticus relates to the varying uncleanness of "discharges", ejaculation, and periods. I don't have any exciting observations to make about it. Something to do with incarnation, and the (derivative) dignity of humanity becoming explicit perhaps. [The sentence you have typed is a fragment. No suggestions.]

John was waiting for me in a pub, so we both got a pint in before heading back to Wimbledon. I was a bit tired though, so we haven't done much yet. More excitment to follow today I should hope.

Have fun all you peoples.