Monday, 23 February 2004

Good afternoon. Well here I am at work, trying to think how best to summarize the week. It would be a start to say that Ella was here, which seemed to involve the watching of many films. Perhaps more exciting things happened during the day, but I was not around to see. They flew kites I believe, and I went to the Ram quiz for some reason. Joint second we were, I think.

Stayed up till one playing Scrabble on Thursday/Friday night, which made Friday a little weaing, but fortunately there wasn't an insurmountable amount of work to do.

Now the weekend was rather fun. Ella left on Saturday, but before she did, we watched Police Story, and shortly afterwards decided to make a kung-fu movie. But not kung fu. And probably not much of a movie. We shot some of the scene on Saturday and some yesterday. Cushions were piled, head-scratching was engaged in, about a million poorly-executed flying kicks were, well, executed and my forearms came in for a prolonged bruising by Norris while James pondered why it was that Jackie Chan looks cooler than Norris and I put together. Naturally in respect to myself, I have no idea, but the principal difficulty with Norris is that after a maximum of half a second's quasi-seriousness, he tends to turn as camp as Christmas and gyrate worryingly. Still, all good fun, even if you can tell that James doesn't really have a vision other than it being "dead good."

I also wrote a song on Saturday. It has chords and words, and I can't remember it now, but I wrote it down.

Sunday was good. I got a bit emotional in mass thinking about the theophanies of Isaiah and Ezekiel in contrast to Jesus as a child and on the cross. Guitar playing was a little ropey, but I sang my responsorial psalm okay. A clarinetist(?) joined us, but I think she may have been a little disheartened after finding herself overwhelmed by transposition issues, which I was of no help with. I meant to have a word afterwards, but she went off while I was suggesting to Irene that we check whether the double locks would be open next week. We had an idea we should walk there after mass.

Last week it was duck-feeding, this time Irene, Rachel and myself went for a little walk in Sidmouth, which was kinda cold and windy, but nice. And the sea looks really cool and more analagous to infinity the higher you are. Chatted in a pub called the Black Horse after this. Talked about various things. Rather "weirded out" to discover that Rachel is younger than me. That's just not right. Foreign students are meant to be older than me - it's the law. It came out that I never dated anyone at uni and Irene said she was shocked and jokingly suggested that I might like to meet her daughter who apparently shares my birthday.

And that's about it broadly-speaking I think.