Sunday 6 June 2004

Sorry, Isaiah is 1-40; Deutero-Isaiah is 40-55; Trito-Isaiah is 56 ff.

I think citations would probably be more the order of the day.

Sophia is clearly personified in it. The way in which the Wisdom of God is spoken of is very similar to the way in which the Word of God is spoken about. Sophia is generally accepted to be a personification - as is the Logos. Sirach also has this kind of imagery.

I can't say that I'm very familiar with Wisdom - read it once - but I don't think the issue is whether or not Sophia is a personification. I daresay we all agree on that. Surely the question is what said narrative device means re. the character of God. I can certainly see Wisdom as a precursor to the Logos, but I'd be very shy of making an explicit identification between the two.

I do not in any way support abortion. I really think that you took that a step too far. Before you say ANYTHING about my views on things like that, make sure you know what my views are. There is a particular "at 1 group" discussion that really should indicate to you that abortion is not something that I would give ANY support to EVER!

Quite. What the hell were you thinking?

I think you're just scared of admitting that you might just be WRONG!

Pfft. I don't think James has too much trouble in admitting he's wrong. Besides, I think fear of being wrong is a very valuable thing - don't know where I'd be without it.

It is men, FALLIBLE men, who have actually told us that Father is how God wishes to be seen, has revealed God to us. It is, therefore, at least to some extent men forming God in the image of themselves that makes God "Father" all the time, & you are just proving that.

Believe James' point was that Jesus himself as well as Scripture both strongly imply this. Tend to agree.

Are you saying that I'm not a Catholic, because I so obviously don't know God?! That's a really serious & offensive claim, & one that you most certainly do not have the right to make.

I don't think he came close to saying that.