Friday 27 October 2006

With reference to his link to the Dobsons - with the alt text as stated:
I looked at your blog. Why are we "not for the faint hearted"?
Mark Dobson
I should of course have said "In what sense are we &c."
Because of the hugely religious bent to the blog.
hoose | Homepage
And Rosy's link to us says "The (slightly religiously oriented) Dob-log". I find this all a little odd. It occasionally enters my mind to do a reciprocal link to Rosy calling it "The (slightly heathen oriented) Rosy's blog" but I shouldn't like to cause offence.

Woooooohhh (that's in a ghostly way, not a hurrah kind of way) I'm a Catholic - woooooooooh! My faith is important to me - run for your lives!

Heh. People are funny.