Tuesday 13 May 2003

>A day that started off badly, went okay for a little while, and then became unproductive. But I enjoyed James's flash animation.

Unfortunately, there really isn't too much more to say about this day.

Actually, come to think of it, I did go into town early today, to try and find out about housing and council tax benefit, because I knew that I couldn't defer signing this contract indefinitely and had set myself a deadline for Wednesday evening after mass. (No mass this wednesday...) I wandered round going into various buildings that looked as though they might know a thing or two about council tax until the receptionist at the Inland Revenue advice centre pointed me in the direction of the civic offices, where I emerged triumphantally with a couple of impenetrable leaflets, and it started raining again as I walked back, but not too much.

I did a measly 400 words in the morning on my dissertation, still in grumpy mode from yesterday. I talked to Phil for a bit on MSN, an he was concerned at my lack of work done, which was pretty reasonable really. But it didn't help my mood too much. I had a bright moment about midday, when something mundane happened. I forget what, maybe seeing a squirrel, or having a nice cup of tea. It wasn't enough to see me through the day apparently though, as I dumped myself on James' chair and proceeded to watch him make a very good animation indeed. He will insist on attributing some of it to me, which is nice of him.

> I shall do lots and lots of work tomorrow, and do a two days retrospective. Hopefully. Sorry.