Saturday 5 July 2003

What an idiotic thing to suddenly feel sad about. On my shelf at home now are both extant series of Spaced. Far more than the house mix, which is of course excellent, Spaced to me now represents the psychic residue of two years of living with the wonderful people with whom I have been living. I don't think I'll be able to watch it for quite a while without feeling extremely down. For the greater part of two years, I could put on one of two videos and you could rely upon someone or other, usually Andy, Paul or James or all of them, to park themselves on the ergonomic delights that were our uni chairs and watch it with me. Now I am at home, and if I put it on, Casualty or something will start. I think for the sake of my sanity I should consider destroying the tapes, buying them on DVD and only watching them again when I can afford a DVD player, which may well be at least a year from now. How ridiculous.