Saturday 12 July 2003

Yesterday: I ran into a lot of traffic jams and roadworks, so I got into Manchester later than I would have liked. On the way I passed by another Mere - I suppose it's a fairly common name. Means lake or something doesn't it? Another sign was for "Historic Warwick", which is a very nice thing to say aloud to oneself on an extended car journey. A mild tongue twister too.

Had a quick omlette at Adrian and Emma's before we (inc. Rosie) went out to meet some of the Tae Kwon Do society at a pub to go on to a comedy club. This was very good. I wish I had gone to some of those comedy nights in the JP that Andy went to for ages and didn't mention. They started playing some female-biased cheese at the end of the comedy, and I was tired (Emma wasn't) so we headed home after a little while.