Tuesday 10 June 2003

A depressing day. A largely wasted day. I realised quite quickly after that first post that there wasn't much point in me going into town without a CV. However, I didn't have a copy with me. Fortunately, my wonderful brother Nick was in back at Dobson HQ, and MSNd me the original word file from Dad's computer. So I started on that. My attention span apparently didn't like the idea of me completing this task in one sitting, so I went downstairs and had some tea and sandwiches and stuff. Today, Andy was revising. This meant that he spent some of the day being audibly bewildered by physics, and some in short-term pursuits, such as trying to persuade Mino that his taste in music is excellent. This he did by playing CDs in the front room and saying "Now this - this Mino is just the best song that they ever did. Isn't this great?" Mino and I were both fairly frank regarding our music appreciation. That is to say that we didn't admit that whatever was playing at the time was the best thing in the world, and consistently thwarted his notion that we might. I forget what exactly Andy did other than that, but he was in the kind of mood, as James and I pointed out to him at lunchtime, that little boys sometimes get in and which precedes their mothers telling them to go outside and play. We even offered him the princely sum of £2 to try and get him to occupy himself for an hour outside the house. This would have been a calming activity, we felt, this freeing his mind up to revise properly, as he didn't want to. There were less noble motivations too, as I'm sure you may imagine.

But to my discredit, I did far less CV than Andy did revision. Furthermore, by the end of the day, the kitchen through various activities has become a squalid, depressing place. Our kitchen is usually a tip, but today was a bit much. The sheer superfluity of the mess is what gets me. I am far happier knowing that washing up is a byproduct of ingestion. Andy's revision notes, strewn about the front room liberally, are arranged in the way that he apparently works best, and that's okay, though he does receive a fair few digs for it. Today however, was what might be termed an arts and crafts day. James, Andy and Paul, in their various ways, scattered plaster of paris (making a cast of James' hand, the aforementioned plaster nob design - it did come off), wax (used in the casting process and to make a candle, which was placed and burnt directly on the kitchen table) ashes (various) and tea (poured onto the candle so that the wax turned urine yellow. this then dripped unchecked onto the floor, resembling fake vomit) all round the place. The kitchen is now a very unpleasant place. Oddly, James chose today of all days to take Mino to task (though it was all pretty light-hearted really) for leaving vegetables and coffee in the sink. Oh, and the wax, having dripped onto the cooker, was burnt off, leaving to kitchen full of wax smoke. I wish I'd have gone out as I said I would, rather than staying in to witness the offhand and gratuitous piling up of unusual dirt. Needless to say, the recycling from the party still has to be done. A depressing day. A largely wasted day.